Sea Traffic Management (STM) is an offshoot of the MONALISA projects and will overcome many of challenges between stakeholders in the maritime industry. The MONALISA 2.0 (2012-EU-21007-S) project has defined
STM and defined a target concept and key performance indicators for four STM strategic enablers:
1. Voyage Management services, will support individual ships as well in the planning process as during the voyage, including: route planning, route exchange and route optimisation services.
2. Flow Management services, will support both land organisations and also ships in optimising overall traffic flow through areas of dense traffic and areas with particular navigational challenges.
3. Port Collaborative Decision Making (Port CDM ) services will increase the efficiency of port calls and departures for all stakeholders through improved information sharing, situational awareness, optimised processes and collaborative decision making during port calls and departures.
4. SeaSWIM (Sea System Wide Information Management) will ensure interoperability of STM services facilitating data sharing using a common information environment and structure ( e.g. the Maritime Cloud) .
The STM Validation Project shall provide a validated concept for STM and demonstrate the STM concept in the European Maritime Simulator Network and large-scale test beds in the Nordic as well as in the Mediterranean Seas, including around 300 vessels, 10 ports and 3 shore based traffic centres.
The tests within the STM Validation Project will be analysed and evaluated in accordance with the Guidelines on Harmonised Test Bed Reporting by IMO. Competencies and training requirements for STM implementation will also considered in the same context. This project aims to support the development of e-Navigation within the IMO and IALA and the e-Maritime concept by the European Union.
The Community of the STM Validation Project includes leading companies of navigational equipment, maritime authorities and ministries of six European countries, recognized academic institutions and simulator centres and other relevant partners.
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